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Evidence-Based. Without Constraints.

AgnosticInvesting.com is a personal fun-project and my infinite investing notebook.

I primarily write to improve my own thinking. Of course, I also appreciate every single reader and thank you for your time. My goal is to provide investing-content that is…

  • High-quality
  • Professional
  • Useful
  • Intellectually honest

I am also looking forward to meet like-minded people. So please feel free to subscribe and connect.

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What I Am Writing About

I write about everything I find interesting (many things) and where I believe I have something qualified to say (not so many things).

Why a Website?

First, I believe that I only understand something when I can write it down in plain and simple words. Writing publicly, even without an audience, forces me to do that and it is nice to see my work growing at one central place.

Second, I hope to receive feedback on my work and connect with like-minded people. Feel free to send me an e-mail.

Third, I am a shameless capitalist. I started this project because it’s fun and helps me to learn. But what is useful for me, may also be useful for others. I therefore run this website pretty business-like and am perfectly willing to provide services for everyone who is interested (and willing to pay). I warned you that I am shameless…

Core Principles

  • Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.1This, of course, is a variant of a quote famously attributed to Albert Einstein.
  • Quality over quantity – look for the few great things that make all the difference.2This is famous as Sturgeon’s Law, the idea that 90% of everything is junk. Don’t believe it? Read this post… And of course, I am not an exception of this. It is hardly possible that all of my content will be great. But I do believe that I have a few positive outliers that make the website valuable.
  • Spend more time and energy on avoiding problems than on solving them.3Some people also attribute the quote “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” to Albert Einstein. I don’t know if he actually said it.
  • Honesty, integrity, and responsibility are non-negotiable.
  • Find the balance between conviction, open-mindedness, and adaptability.
  • Follow facts and logic, and put them into systematic processes.
  • Only do things you understand and where you have a competitive advantage.
  • Don’t take everything, and in particular yourself, too seriously.

What Else?

My goal is to provide high-quality, professional, useful, and honest investing-content. Professional means that this website probably requires some knowledge about finance and investments. I am not the right address for beginner’s advice on your personal finances. The target audience are rather professionals and sophisticated individual investors.

Obviously, I don’t want to discourage anyone from reading my stuff. But please bear with me that I cannot always start from scratch. On the other hand, I also take responsibility when a reasonably smart person doesn’t understand what I mean because that shouldn’t happen with good writing.

Anyway, I am working on a Investing for Beginners page because some friends and family asked me. Once finished, you will find it here.

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This content is for educational and informational purposes only and no substitute for professional or financial advice. The use of any information on this website is solely on your own risk and I do not take responsibility or liability for any damages that may occur. The views expressed on this website are solely my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organisation I am associated with. Income- or benefit-generating links are marked with a star (*). All content that is not my intellectual property is marked as such. If you own the intellectual property displayed on this website and do not agree with my use of it, please send me an e-mail and I will remedy the situation immediately. Please also read the Disclaimer.


1 This, of course, is a variant of a quote famously attributed to Albert Einstein.
2 This is famous as Sturgeon’s Law, the idea that 90% of everything is junk. Don’t believe it? Read this post… And of course, I am not an exception of this. It is hardly possible that all of my content will be great. But I do believe that I have a few positive outliers that make the website valuable.
3 Some people also attribute the quote “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” to Albert Einstein. I don’t know if he actually said it.